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Operational Model

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The CIC Directors are accountable for the LAH legal requirements and are responsible to ensure that the LAH meets its community interest objects, vision, aims, and statutory obligations. They are responsible, with support from the CG, for submitting the LAH accounts report, CIC Report, and annual return to the Registrar of Companies.

The CG is responsible for the development of the activities, resources and initiatives of the LAH according to its independence, vision, aims and statutory obligations. The CG is led by two Co-Chairs, the LAH official point of contact and reps, with the support from a Secretary, a Treasurer and up to six Members who lead on targeted areas. The Directors and Network Members also contribute to the CG work.

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Our London communities are the beneficiaries of our work. We believe that raising awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) will promote trauma-informed and compassionate relationships and will help break harmful cycles on individual, familial and community levels. A resilient London involves all of us! 

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The Workgroups are collectives of LAH Members responsible for developing and promoting a particular ACE-related topic. They have autonomy within the boundaries of commitment to the LAH independence, CIC objects and financial responsibility. They work alongside the CG, who is responsible for approving proposals. Workgroups may invite external collaborators to contribute to their projects and initiatives. 

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The LAH external Collaborators are individuals who live in or outside London and are directly contributing to the Network without being active members of the LAH. They might include children and young people, parents, survivors, community members, activists and/or professionals.

The London ACEs Hub (LAH) is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) that operates as an independent, voluntary, non-partisan and organic Network. Our aim is to promote awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma-informed care and resilience in Greater London on individual and collective levels.


Our organic nature allows us to be flexible to adapt, develop and grow according to the input of our members, collaborators, partners, communities and the developing ACEs science.


You will find here the key roles, responsibilities and stakeholders involved in our operational approach. We are committed to meeting our community interest objects in proactive, creative and collaborative ways, based on co-production with survivors, also known as experts by experience, multidisciplinary professionals and community members. ​


To learn more about how we function, click CIC Operational Guide.

The Parts of the Whole

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The LAH Supporters are organisations or individuals who make unrestricted donations to the LAH to support its aims and work.

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The LAH Partners are organisations or individuals who contribute, via resources and/or fund, to projects developed in partnership with the LAH.

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The LAH Advisory Panel are recruited individuals who provide advice to ensure that the LAH meets its vision, aims and statutory obligations. They might include young people aged 16-25, parents/carers, survivors, community activists, ACEs organisations reps and/or professionals.

Let's build a compassionate

and resilient


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The Network Members are individuals aged 16 or over who live and/or work in London, join the LAH and become proactively involved with its activities. 

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